WHO: Export List Users

WHAT: We are going to walk through all the proper places to perform searches so that they can be executed with our Export Services

WHEN: When placing LinkedIn Jobs orders through Export Lists

WHY: We need the list to be formatted in a certain way for it to be exported automatically and properly




<aside> đź’ˇ DISCLAIMERS

  1. Head to https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/ to perform your search and compile the URL so that you can submit an order through ExportLists

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  2. We recommend only adding one Geography + One Job Position

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  3. We recommend adding the filter to only grab job prospects from the last week

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  4. When applying the filter “Easy Apply”, you’ll find that a higher percentage of job posts will have a specific “hiring manager” associated with the post. This will improve your lead generation efforts

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  5. Copy this URL to add into form for submission

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